The East Feliciana Parish School Board desires the citizens of the School District to attend its meetings so that they may become better acquainted with the schools and so that the School Board may have opportunity to hear the wishes and/or ideas of the public.


It is the policy of the School Board to conduct all meetings in full view of and with welcomed participation by the public.  However, the School Board reserves the right to recess into or call executive sessions for discussing matters as provided by state law.  At no time shall actions be taken or resolutions made during executive sessions.




All delegations or individuals who wish to appear before the School Board shall submit their written requests to the Superintendent at least eight (8) working days prior to the meeting date, stating what matters they wish to take up with the School Board and the approximate time such matters should consume at the meeting.  Such items will normally be included on the agenda of the meeting at which the delegation or individual wishes to appear before the School Board.  If not submitted on time to be placed on the agenda, the person or organization wishing to have the item discussed must request a School Board member to request addition of the item to the agenda.  For an item to be added to the agenda of a regular meeting, there must be unanimous approval of the School Board members present.  At a special meeting, all of the members of the School Board must be present and agree to the addition of an item to the agenda.  Each delegation appearing before the School Board shall select in advance one (1) person as its spokesperson and statements shall be presented in a concise manner.




It is in the public interest, and the public demands, that meetings of the School Board or its Committees, in handling the public’s business, be conducted in an orderly and dignified manner.  To this end, these rules of procedure shall govern the conduct of all person(s), including School Board members and staff members, attending a meeting of the School Board or its committees.


No signs, posters, placards, etc. shall be affixed to the walls, doors, etc. of the School Board office building or any room therein, except by the School Board staff in connection with School Board business and then only with permission of the Superintendent.  No signs, posters, placards, etc., which is carried by hand shall be permitted in the School Board office building or any of its rooms.


All person(s) attending meetings of the School Board or of its Committees must be recognized by the presiding officer before speaking.  In return, the presiding officer and other School Board/Committee members shall courteously receive the comments made by such person(s).


Any person(s) who fails or refuses to obey the rulings and directions of the presiding officer, or otherwise disrupts the meeting in any manner, shall be requested by the presiding officer to leave the meeting room for the remainder of that meeting.


If any person(s) refuses to follow the directions of the presiding officer, the presiding officer shall cause such person(s) to be removed from the meeting as authorized by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §42:17(C) and other applicable laws of the State of Louisiana.




Inappropriate or disruptive conduct by audience members at School Board meetings shall not be tolerated.  Examples of such conduct include, but are not limited to, booing, hissing, clapping, shouting, cursing, or disrespectful comments to School Board members, employees, or other persons present at the meeting.  Nor shall the presiding officer tolerate other behavior or verbal abuse which the presiding officer considers disruptive or improper.


No cellular phones or other electronic telecommunication devices may be turned “on” and/or utilized which may cause disruption of the School Board/Committee meetings and/or cause disruption of the digital recording equipment in the meeting room, without prior knowledge and permission of the Superintendent.  Signs to this effect are clearly posted on the normal entrance/exit doors and walls of the meeting room.


The presiding officer may order the removal from the meeting of any person(s) interfering with the expeditious and orderly conduct of the meeting, provided that said presiding officer shall first issue a warning that continued interference with the orderly processes of the meeting will result in removal.  Appropriate law enforcement authorities shall remove any person(s) ordered removed by the presiding officer pursuant to this section.  Furthermore, charges may be brought against any person(s) who willfully disrupt a public meeting as may be authorized by applicable laws of the State of Louisiana.




A public comment period shall be held before any vote is taken on an agenda item.  The comment period shall precede each agenda item.  However, a person is not entitled to take up business before the School Board unless the item in which he/she is interested has been placed on the agenda of that meeting.


In the event that the School Board should add an item for which a vote shall be taken to its agenda after the School Board meeting begins, the School Board President shall orally request of the audience whether anyone in attendance would like to speak on the added agenda item.  Each person indicating a desire to do so shall be given an opportunity to address the School Board on each agenda item added.  The School Board shall delay deliberations on that agenda item until such time as all interested members of the public have had an opportunity to speak.


Generally, each person wishing to address the School Board shall be recognized by the President and afforded the floor for a reasonable length of time once during public discussion of an agenda item.  All pertinent questions shall be answered verbally or in writing at a later time by the Superintendent or an appropriate supervisor, coordinator, and/or administrative staff.  No dialogue between School Board members and the public shall be permitted at School Board meetings, except to clarify the nature of questions and/or comments.


To permit community members to be heard, and at the same time to conduct its meetings properly and efficiently, persons wishing to speak before the School Board shall:


  1. Obtain and complete proper paperwork from the Superintendent's office, and return the forms to the Superintendent's office by noon on Monday preceding the School Board meeting.  The required information must include the agenda item to be discussed.

  2. Limit comments to the allowed three (3) minutes.

  3. Limit comments to matters that are strictly relevant to the agenda item being discussed.  Speakers may offer objective criticism of school operations and programs, but the School Board shall not hear complaints about school personnel or other persons at a public session.  The President of the School Board reserves the right to stop any comments when deemed necessary.  Other channels provide for School Board consideration of complaints involving individuals.


The East Feliciana Parish School Board vests in the President of the School Board or other presiding officer authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who does not adhere to the above rules.  Persons appearing before the School Board are reminded that although requests may be directed to the School Board, action (and the answers to many questions) must be deferred pending School Board consideration.  The President shall have the authority to remove any person disrupting or interfering in any manner with the conduction of a meeting of the School Board.




The School Board shall allow any member of the public with a disability recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act, or a designated caregiver of such a person, to participate in its meetings via teleconference or video conference, and shall facilitate participation by any such person who requests that accommodation prior to the meeting.  Members of the public who desire to participate in this fashion shall certify that they meet the definition of a person with a disability recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act when they submit, prior to public meetings, their requests to comment on agenda items and shall comply with the same rules and regulations on speaking applicable to those participating in person at such meetings.


Re-Adopted:  May 4, 1999

Re-Adopted:  December 2, 2008

Re-Adopted:  July 5, 2016

Re-Adopted:  August 8, 2023



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 42:14, 42:15, 42:16, 42:23

Board minutes, 9-3-85, 7-1-86, 8-6-91, 11-4-97, 5-4-99, 12-2-08, 7-5-16, 8-8-23


East Feliciana Parish School Board