Cf:  DFL, DL





The East Feliciana Parish School Board shall select a depository on an annual basis which shall provide the most efficient and otherwise desirable services for the Board.  Selection of the official depository shall be in accordance with statutory provisions.  All funds of the Board shall be deposited to the account(s) of the Board in the official depository. 


All monies retained in school buildings shall be safeguarded in secure areas at all times.  However, the Board shall not assume responsibility for funds lost in a school.  The Board shall require that school funds be deposited on a daily basis, whenever possible.  No money shall be kept in classrooms or school offices overnight, except school petty cash funds, which shall be well secured overnight in the school office. 


Re-Adopted:  October 5, 1999



Ref:   La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:196, 24:514, 39:1220, 39:1301, 39:1302, 39:1303, 39:1304, 39:1305, 39:1306, 39:1307, 39:1308, 39:1309, 39:1310, 39:1311, 39:1312, 39:1313, 39:1314

Board minutes, 10-3-78, 10-5-99


East Feliciana Parish School Board