In order to better educate and meet the growing awareness of today's youth, School Boards within the state have the discretion, if so desired, of conducting classes in subject matter designated as sex education.  In the East Feliciana Parish School System said subject matter shall be integrated into health education classes in grades 7 and 10 exclusively.  Classes shall be separated by sex.  Such instruction shall also be available to any student in the school, regardless of the student's grade level, who is pregnant or who is a mother or father.  Such instruction shall also be available to non-graded special education students at age-appropriate levels. 


Sex education shall mean the dissemination of factual biological or pathological information that is related to the human reproduction system and may include the study of sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, childbirth, puberty, menstruation, and menopause, as well as the dissemination of factual information about parental responsibilities under the child support laws of the state.  However, the dissemination of factual information about parental responsibilities under the child support laws of the state may be offered only in grades nine or above.  Sex education shall not include religious beliefs, practices in human sexuality, nor the subjective moral and ethical judgments of the instructor of other persons.  Students shall not be tested, quizzed, or surveyed about their personal or family beliefs or practices in sex, morality, or religion.


All instructional materials used during the course of study of sex education shall be submitted to and approved by the East Feliciana Parish School Board and by a parental review committee, whose membership shall be determined by the Board.


Notification shall be sent to all parents of students who may be scheduled or enrolled in a class offering sex education information.  This notice shall be sent each school year to advise parents of their right to excuse their child from such instruction without penalty of loss of academic credit.


Re-Adopted:  November 2, 1999



Ref:   La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:281

Board minutes, 5-4-87, 11-2-99


East Feliciana Parish School Board